Sunday, 13 July 2014


Can we learn, unlearn and relearn?  A few may respond positively.  But it’s too tough to do so.  Human brain has been evolving over millions of years.  We all learn and adapt to situations. Some learning’s are subjective in nature hence there are situations where we must unlearn the preconceived ones.  It provides a scope for relearning.  Our brain is not an artificial electronic data storage device wherein data can be stored, deleted and later recovered.  But we may find a few similarities, though, in remembering, forgetting and recollecting information.
We learn at all stages of life.  In many humans, learning of the childhood stays till death.  A strong reason being the inability to unlearn and relearn.  Thus making them stubborn upon their decisions over which they repent later.  There’s a question which may arise in this regard: Whether learning is to memory or to subconscious mind? If one had to be chosen, preferably it is the subconscious mind.  Because there are situations in life where we react before we think purely based upon past experiences.
Learning is an art.  Learn not to forget but give space for unlearning it. We may find people with memory but learning is not purely remembering things. Sometimes forgetting is a boon since it helps us to forgive others for their mistakes.  So here comes the second question; what is the difference between forgetting and unlearning?  Unlearning is to put out of mind or undo the effect of something.  But forgetting is the inability to remember or to treat with thoughtless inattention.  First one is intentional and the second being unintentional.  Life is quite smooth for those who can forget bad memories, unlearn the learnt and relearn the needful.

A failure always gives a new learning or proves any previous learning to be wrong.  So we must find failure, as a reason to celebrate rather than to weep upon.  It’s so because failure gives us a chance to learn, unlearn and relearn.  A true winner always searches for someone tougher to beat.  Otherwise the scope of learning diminishes.  The further the competition higher is the chance to learn, unlearn and relearn.

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