Monday, 23 June 2014


Expectations never end usually. When we analyze the psychology of various stages of a human life, we may come to know that expectation of result is one of the factors which motivates everyone.  Expectation is not just what we expect from others but also what we expect from ourselves and what others expect out of us too.  Identifying our true potential helps us to put expectations on ourselves.
A new born baby doesn’t expect the outside world to be like this, so it’s difficult for it to accept the reality and thus it cries.  When the baby grows, its first expectation is from his/her mother, to provide milk, love, affection and care.  As a normal human tendency, there would be maximum expectation from the one who is most important in their life at that moment.  So it is for a child, because a child doesn’t know about the God, so mother is its almighty or the guardian instead.
When the child reaches the age of 3, it finds or identified the world filled with love, happiness, hatred and sadness.  It slowly starts grasping the habits, behaviors and character of its parents or guardians and they learn to adjust according to it.  Now it is true that even gender of the child has to do a lot with the range of expectations they have. Suppose if it is a boy, then he expects more from his mother and if it is a girl child, then she expects more from her father. It is a commonly seen case in a majority of families but there may be variations according to the situations in which the child has been brought up.
At the age of six, normally a child starts his/her academics and thus finds friends or classmates who have similar tastes and characters or someone with entirely different nature.  So they start expecting a lot from their peers or friends but do not realize whether the other being has the same kind of expectations over them or not.  Those who identify each other’s expectations and cope up with it are satisfied with each other and become strong friends. Some children are very selective, that is the reason why a child likes a teacher, hates the other and is not in good terms with another.  In these cases too, expectations plays a major role.  Both teachers and students expect something or the other from each other.
The child grows up to reach the age of adolescence, where he/she finds the world to be mysterious.  There comes a situation where it is difficult to accept the truth. There is a hike in their expectations on parents, neighbors, friends, relatives, etc.  This sometimes misleads children of this age as they expect more from the parents or guardian but doesn’t get it up to their expectations.  At the age of maturity, everyone expects a lot from the world.  But if they don’t get whatever they expect, then there will be a diversification in their life as they try to see the world differently.
A man expects a lot from his son or daughter, his wife and also his mother. Similarly a woman expects a lot from all her dear and near.  So expectation remains at every stage of life.  After becoming a grandfather or grandmother, a normal human being expects that their grandchildren should be good, healthy, studious, and energetic and also their son or daughter should look after them. But only a few have their expectations to be realistic.  In old age, people expect the world to be more helping, empathetic and courteous to them.  Expectations have no birth and death.  It is the only feeling that persists in all human beings.  No one can ever claim that he has no expectations on anything.  It is the expectation that makes a family and even breaks a family.
Identify that life expects from us and lets try to expect the least from life.  In this way you and I can find ourselves a step ahead on the ladder of success.

Thursday, 19 June 2014


Happiness is an “inevitable desire” of every human being. It’s so because all human beings wish to be happy always.  But these kinds of desires are not fulfilled in every moment. We need to be happy, at the same time sadness comes on its way.  Some pretend to be happy while some create happiness out of nothing.  Some are born sad, stay sad, make others sad and die out of sadness.  In spite of all this, nobody wishes to remain sad or be sad.  What is so attractive in happiness?  It can be had any time without a doctor’s prescription. 
A feeling that is partly intangible but creates tangible changes around the world- that is happiness.  The action and intension that gives happiness to an individual or a group could be a reason for dismal for others.  While gaining Moksha, leaving behind all that is materialistic seems to bring grater happiness.  Hence it could be identified that happiness has got various degrees like little, great, sometimes, always etc. and so on. We have got no instrument to gauge the extent of happiness.
Though only a few, we find people who seem to be always happy.  How can we know whether they are really happy or just seem to be happy?  I knew one boy who was well known by all the people in his surroundings.  He was merry in all his ways.  Trying to make every moment happy, he had an aura surrounding him.  It attracted many to be always with him.  Lately we knew that he suffered from cancer stage 4, struggling final days of his life.  But until the day he was no more, no one else knew about it.  He seemed to be happy and tried to be happy but was he really happy?  He must be admired for the way he handled a turbulent situation in life.

We would find men working 24x7 like ants to gather resources without caring for their life at that moment.  They sacrifice their good time expecting a great time ahead, but what awaits them is whole lot of sickness, despair and loneliness at the later stages of their life in many cases. So we need to be different by being happy at every moment and working for making future also happy.  Never search for happiness elsewhere, since it is never outside but is within us, just wake it up.  Don’t ever give yourself a chance to be dismal upon the reasons of this materialistic world.

Tuesday, 17 June 2014


            The ability of mankind to act and pursue in accordance to what they perceived, experienced or conceived makes them unique in the universe.  It is always felt that the scope of development and destruction carried forward by humans are beyond imagination.   Science is a vast discipline that we want to master to some extent in our life.  We have a lot of people who talk against science, but there are only a few human beings on this earth who haven’t followed scientific way of living in any manner.  Exceptions do happen but they cannot be considered along with the massive majority.    Even the religion of latest origin states that it is the most scientific one with regard to its belief and practice.  Perfection is never possible unless and until mankind is concerned within it.  It’s so because human beings are not perfect.  Perfection leads to the end of development.  The nature consists of energy. Energy is the potential of all happenings. Still remember the physics lesson which states energy is neither created nor destroyed; it is transformed from one form to another. The transformation of energy balances everything on earth.   For those who have watched the movie “AVATAR” (A Hollywood movie directed by James Camaron), it Can be observed how energy was transformed in that planet.  Likewise on earth, every living organism starting from single celled organisms to the largest dinosaurs that became extinct in the past had to depend on energy to survive.

           Let’s take us as an example. Every living organism has stored form of energy in their cells. Particularly, in humans there are two kinds of cells namely somatic cells and germ cells. The male germ cell called the sperm has a lot of energy and also information stored in it. During intercourse, the sperm moves with a relatively good speed to compete with the fellow sperms. It ultimately fuses with the ova, i.e. germ cell of the female. Ova don’t move but consists of energy like any other cell. The fusion leads to the creation of Zygote, which later depends on the energy provided by the mother to develop into a baby ready for birth.

          Now the baby is born, it enters into an atmosphere which is very uncomfortable. The first energy drink that it gets is the mother’s milk. Later, the baby is fed with various other eatables. At each growth stage, energy is obtained through food. Does this energy always stay within? No, I don’t think so. It gets either transformed or stored within the millions of cells within the body or otherwise lost due to exercise. Once there is a need for energy, the body gets it from the cells. Talking converts one form of energy within our body to another form. There are several other ways, how energy is transformed within a human body.

         Anywhere we can see that living organisms depend on energy to survive and develop. Now we would be in a confused state, thinking of the reason why these are to be thought upon. There is a strong reason behind all that has been said and whatever is to be. I am not an atheist, neither am superstitious. This attitude helps in identifying the truth.

          Preconceived notions, beliefs and value systems hinder our mind from thinking practically. With God’s grace, human beings were created with a mind setup highly advanced when compared to any other living organisms on earth. Don’t mistake the term God, because it’s not what we visualize. It’s the nature or the center of energy flow. This very almighty is often felt not seen when we visit a prayer hall, a temple, mosque or any pilgrim places. Every center that transforms a lot of energy forms helps balance the positive and negative nature of energy. The proper transformation of energy keeps a balance and helps the mind to relax. Thus the concept of positivity, positive mind and physical well-being arises. Energy centers are always surrounded by an aura, a spherical energy level maintained at equilibrium. Most of the people believe that God is Omni present. It is true to a great extent. The degree of energy flows determines the aura level of energy centers. If energy centers exist within non-living organisms, it could create aura that helps transform energy in its surroundings.

               In our daily life, we find people who are very positive in their attitude, who attract a lot of people. They could be the priests, teachers, parents, comedians or even fellow beings who have a wide range of aura surrounding them. Then we can say that they have the energy centers within them at that very point of time. This is the reason why we feel the difference while we pray. We seek for energy centers and even activate the energy centers within us while we pray. I have nothing to say to those who believe that God is our consciousness since it’s their belief and who am I to question. But my consciousness doesn’t support that statement.

               Religions were created by humans. God may have never had an intension to divide the humans like this and guide them separately with thousand different codes of conduct. The nature just provided a free will to humans, so as to make them think well. But we humans have misused it to a great extent. People are slaughtered in this name; many are tormented or even left homeless. More than 30 percent of the total revenue earned by many nations is used for defense, solving communal riots and protection of religious locations.

               Have we deleted the word humanity in the name of supremacy? We want a better tomorrow free from racism, terrorism, extremism and suppression. An eye for an eye always creates a wound that never heals. So we don’t want to hurt anyone in the name of God, right? Nature has got its own laws. As humans, we must not tamper the nature and get cursed by it. The changing climate, industrialization and all the transformations on globe are the outcome of selfish human activities. This breaks the balance of nature, destroys existing energy centers and troubles every form of living organisms. We must only improve in the name of God but instead we prove our short temper. For those who may conceive these words, please convey it to all.


             I take this as a platform to deliver what my mind has perceived over these yester years.  All that is scribbled is based on thoughts and thus the reader’s discretion is required.  Over time these thoughts might change; but the spark that created within me would stay forever. Let this be an inspiration to the grass-root level diggers, who wander off in search of something about which they don’t know anything or else walk on a path shown by others. 

            I do very well know the mindset of people who may read this.  I respect the disagreements and pointing outs because this helps me to conclude: We all have our own vision to look at things in our own way. Here’s my sincere thanks to all the readers.